Online Body Poetry ENHANCED YTT
Welcome to this online Body Poetry Yoga Enhanced Training Module
In this module you’re invited to realise our primary agenda as yoga practitioners is in service to the flow of prana - the underlying intelligence behind all movement and all life.
This inspiring and practical training is for students and teachers wishing to wake up to the map of their subtle energetic body in order to bring a whole new dimension of awareness and awe to their teaching and life.
This training is an introduction to Tantra yoga and embodied spirituality, a path of celebrating flesh and breath as gateways to the divine.
It would be a great pleasure to have you join us for this illuminating journey into inner yoga.
Lara xx
The format
This training is currently in the format of pre-recorded classes and lectures to be done at your own pace. The training is divided into 4 modules, each module divided into themes, relevant coursework, methodology and philosophy, asana and meditation classes, with supported supplementary readings from the manual.
To receive the certification upon completion, there are several submissions, journal reflections and assignments that must be handed in.
Alongside the do-at-your-own-pace material, you have the opportunity to book a 45-minute zoom meeting with Lara to go over any of the content, to get feedback and ask questions. This is included in the price.
The online coursework will be available for you to download and keep.
the invitation
This training will open you up to the ecstatic transmissions of Tantra Yoga, a path of celebrating the divine feminine power of Shakti ~ creative life energy.
Together we will realise yoga asana as a profound opportunity to wake up to this underlying reality, that we are so much more than what we can see with our outer-seeing eyes. To realise that we are a part of a vast field of intelligence that creates us and sustains us, and that we will one day be folded back into.
This is not a training about technical outer alignment, but instead to reconnect to the natural inner alignment that exists when we wake up to the living, dancing, shape shifting nature of Prana Shakti which animates the inner world.
The takeaways
Demystify what is Tantra yoga and map it’s history and differentiation from Classical Yoga
Understanding vinyasa as the evolution of Tantra yoga and the embodiment of nature.
You’ll learn to embody the five elements (pancha tattvas) and understand their correspondence to the seven chakras in the seasons of your inner and outer life.
You’ll realise the meeting point between quantum physics and yoga – to be able to viscerally experience the underlying energetic field that unifies and underlies all life forms, via the philosophy and embodiment of the pancha vayus.
Understanding the significance of the breath when cueing inner alignment and energetics.
To realise every asana as a full body mudra, with a profound capacity to shift our awareness and invite us into moving meditation and flow-state consciousness.
You’ll understand how to teach to every kosha. To intentionally awaken the maps of the physical, energetic, emotional, mental and spiritual bodies with our words, cues and body language – from the outer to the inner bodies, from the muscular skeletal system, to the mystical realm of intuition and imagination.
To understand that as teachers, we are the conductors of energy in the space. The way we use language directly affects not only movement, but the spirit in the room.
To expand the repertoire of your language to incorporate poetry, metaphor, visualisation and analogy as tools to awaken to the unseen world of energy and spirit.
There are no prerequisites other than a passion and hunger to plumb the mysteries of your body and mind
YES, you can take this training as an immersion to deepen your practice
If you are already a certified Yoga teacher with a 200hr Yoga Alliance approved training, then this course counts as continued education hours
To ensure certification, all course content must be viewed and assignments submitted
Upon completion of the training, certificates will be emailed to those who met the requirements of the course.
Through this training you’re invited to feel yoga asana as a profound opportunity to relate with the natural world, where you start to move like the body has no edges and eventually slip into the unbroken flow of presence.
From this place you might feel as if you are connected to the infinite source of energy around and inside you, as if ‘the posture never ends’… and each movement is constantly evolving from the outer (macrocosm) to inner (microcosm), and then the inner (human) to outer (world).
From that space, the energy of the universe will resonate through your bones and be carried on your voice, creating a potent holding environment for transformation.
Here is a meditation from the course to give you a taste of the offering…
In the meditation you’ll be invited to connect to the interconnectedness of all things via the Pancha Tattvas (the five elements and manifestations of Shakti), to contemplate the body of nature, that you are; made of shimmering, dancing and vibrating energy!
“I did the amazing Body Poetry Spanda training online with Lara in 2021 and truly I cannot recommend it enough! It was an incredible opportunity to dive deeply into the subtle body and to experience feeling the practise through these energetic layers and in turn how to share with others.
Lara’s complete devotion and love of this practice shines in all the generous, creative and in depth content, and she holds the space for sharing it all with so much care and support. I am so grateful the course was online as it meant I could do the training from a different country and at times that worked for me.
Thank you Lara, I am so look forward to weaving these transformative teachings into my own practice and classes and look forward to joining you for more explorations!”
~ Paula Harrison, yoga & meditation teacher
“The Body Poetry Yoga Teacher Training was the most amazing experience. I now see yoga in a much different light. I have always known that there is a lot more to the poses than just the physical aspect but have never really understood how and what that is.
Lara has put together an incredible training that dives deep into energetics and aliveness, giving us the language and understanding to teach what we all feel so deeply inside to be true but have not had the words.
Thank you Lara from the bottom of my heart, I am so grateful to have you as a teacher and mentor. Your ability to hold space for so many to share and be seen is such a super power. Thank you for welcoming us all with so much love and grace.”
~ Catherine Pampallis, yoga teacher & breath work coach
"Having practiced and trained with some of the world's most highly renowned and revered teachers, I can honestly say that Lara encapsulates the best of the best. She teaches from a place of deeply grounded authenticity but with such grace, eloquence and artistry that lifts and enlivens the spirit in her students.”
Amanda Zdanowicz, owner Soho Yoga Brisbane
Feel free to reach out with questions below